
She Starved Herself To Less Than 50 Pounds, But Now She Loves Her Curves

#1 Freak Accident

After experiencing grueling stomach pain, Chiara Schober was left with no appetite.

#2 Getting Better

Chiara then met her boyfriend Jason, who encouraged her to eat more food so she could remain healthy. "I wanted to be healthy again for both of us, I wanted us to be able to go out and do what normal couples do and not let an eating disorder control me. I'd always dreamt of getting married someday and having a family of my own, Jason made me realise what life was really about again."

#3 Not An Easy Road

"Recovery wasn't easy but I would recommend anyone in a similar position to see a doctor or therapist as soon as they notice an eating disorder."

#4 She Wouldn't Eat Their Food

"I even threatened that I’d kill myself if I stayed in hospital. When doctors told me my body wouldn't be able to cope much longer without food I knew it was now or never."

#5 It Got Worse

"When my grandmother passed away I was heartbroken, she had helped me get a bit better but when I lost her my weight spiralled again."

#6 39 calories

"I began to feel guilty when I ate as I never actually felt hungry so I started eating less and less as I didn't want to eat for the sake of it," Chiara said. She was only eating 39 calories a day

#7 Hospital Stays

She spent months in and out of the hospital. "I used to hate going to hospital, I struggled so much and at times it made the condition worse. I would be placed on an eating diet which resulted in several meals a day, including porridge with almonds and quinoa with broccoli," she remembered.

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