
Children Have Been Afraid Of Her Since She Was 3, But Her Transformation Is Incredible

#1 Eyebrow implants.

Since they weren't going to grow back, she had to have implants. "The hospital is like my second home. I'd always felt as though I was another species, but at the hospital I always felt good because there were other people who looked like me - I kind of felt like I belonged."

#2 Love and the future.

Harley received her strength from her loving boyfriend. He helped her to remain positive, particularly when she was feeling down. "He helps me to feel beautiful, even on days when I really don't think I am. And when I can't stay strong, then he is strong for both of us." She adds: "I hope to become a nurse and a motivational trainer. I would like to help others, burnt or not, to understand that they are beautiful, despite how society sees them."

#3 After the fire.

80 % of her body was marked by burns and her face was completely disfigured. Her eyebrows would never grow back and her skin was covered in blisters. her chance of survival currently was at about 2 %.

#4 Positive attitude.

But she knew that, in order to survive, she had to fight against the bullies. So she got a tattoo of a phoenix rising from the ashes that reads "I am fearfully and wonderfully made". Somehow this changed the way she felt and everything else started to change too.

#5 A fighter.

She posted her story on facebook "I am strong, I am who I am because I've fought for it. I've been through hell and came out the other side, and I'd manage it every time." "I hope that my story can help others who are struggling with their scars or origins. Regardless of how bad it is, they can make it through the hard times and it will get better."

#6 Bullied.

But the world outside the hospital was hostile. She was constantly bullied and got depression as a result. "I couldn't go anywhere. I couldn't leave my house. Whenever I went somewhere I always completely covered my body, even when it was hot outside. I wore a long jacket and long trousers."

#7 Second home.

Fortunately, she survived, but her life changed for ever.For 18 years, she had to go to "Shriners Children's Hospital" in Cincinnati, Ohio, on a regular basis to have skin operations. Constant efforts were made to help her look 'more normal'.

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