
Proven Ways to Get Pregnant With Twins Quickly and Naturally

#1 Say it With Your Chest

If you currently have a young baby and are breastfeeding him or her, that increases your chances also! Furthermore, folic acid tablets are proven to increase your twin-bearing by up to 40%!

#2 Nigeria Knows How

Certain foods trigger your ovaries to release more than one egg. Such foods include yams and cassava root. This theory is popular in Nigeria. It's not just hearsay, though. Nigeria has the most twins in the WORLD!

#3 Probability

And of course, if you're one of those parents who are constantly pushing out children, your chances increase of having twins. That's just the law of probability!

#4 What Are You Eating?

The more dairy you eat, the more babies you have? Yup. According to some African traditions, the more you consume dairy products (milk, cheese, eggs), the more likely you are to deliver a two-some.

#5 Weight

A study published not too long ago also showed that heavier women (a BMI of 30+) are more prone to delivering twins.

#6 Trying for 2?

Believe it or not, but some women WANT to have twins. Of course the childbirth makes you a bit heavier and the strength it takes to deliver two babies back to back is incredible, but you're getting two for one! Two bundles of joys for the same 9 months of pregnancy. If you're trying to have nature's BOGO deal with birth, there are a few ways to increase your chances of having twins.

#7 Your Race Plays a Part

Did you know race plays a factor in having twins? According to scientific data, black women are more likely to have twins than Asian mothers and Caucasian mothers.

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