
This Is What Happens When You Don't Shower For 2 Days, #5 Is Awful!

#1 Take A Shower

Water is your friend. Wash your skin daily.

#2 Growing

More bacteria grow and you begin to smell even more.

#3 Harmful Bacteria And Germs

Our skin is home to many bacteria and germs, which can become overgrown.

#4 Reactions

Your skin reacts with pimples, rashes, and scaliness.

#5 Infections

These germs can cause skin infections.

#6 Odor

Your skin will begin to smell.

#7 Dirt And Sweat

Not showering allows dirt and sweat to accumulate on the skin.

1 comment:

  1. If you do it the right way, there are few pleasures on earth better than a hot shower in a glass-encased shower stall. Of course, there's one thing that really is better than that - a hot shower in a shower stall encased in glass that you put there yourself.
    Shower Hacks
