
This Is What Your Headaches Are Trying To Tell You About Your Health.

#1 Cluster Headache

Cluster headaches are some of the most severe. Although they don't occur often, when they do, the pain is insufferable. It becomes difficult to sit still and tightness occurs near the eyes. The pain has been identified as having throbbing, burning, and piercing qualities.

#2 Migraines

Migraines can range from moderate to severe pain. They last for relatively long periods of time - four hours to three days. Genetics and environmental factors play a role in the prevalence of migraines, although we know very little about them.

#3 When To Start Worrying

It's always best to not leave things to chance, so if you are unsure of what to do, seek medical help. It is better to be safe, than sorry.

#4 Sinus Headache

Sickness or allergies can cause an inflamed sinus. An inflamed sinus can lead to a sinus headache. Affected areas are the bridge of the nose, the forehead, and cheekbones.

#5 Tension Headache

This is your general, common headache. They're never too painful and can easily be remedied with a painkiller to continue on with your day.

#6 Hormone Headaches

Hormonal headaches occur during periods of hormonal change. They are specific to women. Menstruation, menopause, pregnancy, and even birth control pills, can cause this kind of headache.

#7 The Pain Wakes You Up

If the pain is so unbearable that you're having a difficult time staying asleep, seek medical attention. Sleep is a very important part of mental and physical health. Anything jeopardizing that should be deemed as serious.

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