
Cop Rescues A Five-Year-Old From A Blazing Fire. Then He Turns Round And Realizes It's Not There...

#1 A Special Guest

Josi, now 23, graduated magna cum laude from Eastern Connecticut State University, and she had a big cheering section in the crowd. And her very special guest was Peter Getz.


#2 CPR On The Way To The Hospital

They were only a block and a half away from Hartford Hospital, so he sat in the back of the car performing CPR on the little girl while his partner drove them to the hospital.

#3 Josi Almost Died

That happened in 1998, and the little girl Peter recieved in his arms wasn't breathing. “I almost died, but I was given a second chance at life,”said Josibel. “And it was because of Peter and all the authorities, everyone who came to help that day.”

#4 She Still Has The Teddy Bear He Gave Her

Detective Getz later visited Josi at the hospital, and even helped fund raise for her family, but he kept his distance as she grew up. That was until two years ago, when she found him on facebook. They have kept in touch since then.

#5 Modesty

“It’s a situation that we could control, that we could foresee the outcome of. The firemen did their job, I did my job, the hospital staff did their job. As a result, we still have a beautiful young woman still on the face of the Earth," said retired police detective Peter Getz, modestly.

#6 Rescued... But Not Breathing

Josibel Aponte, from Connecticut, was only five when her house caught on fire. The firefighter thar rescued her had to rush back into the building, so he thrust unconcious Josibel to policeman Peter Getz, who had just arrived.

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