
9 Telling Signs Your Partner Is Cheating On You.

1.Check your intuition, if it is saying something is wrong:

You are probably right.

2.Freaking out whenever you hold his phone:

Whenever you hold his phone, even just to check the time might be a sign of something serious.
3.Following sexy women on Instagram:

If he is following many sexy women on Instagram, it mean he's looking...

4.Having more female friends than you:

This might be a red flag.
5.Lying about random things:

He sometimes lie about random things at times when it doesn’t really seem to matter.

 6.Phone’s battery dying more than usual:

He always tells you that he was unreachable because his phone’s battery died, and you think that his phone’s battery is dying more than usual, then be cautious he might be hiding something from you.

7.Checking out girls:

He checks out girls, even when you are around. That's not cool at all.

8.Always having a reason not to meet:

Something is up for sure.

9.He occasionally agrees to plans, then backs out later.

He backs out at the last moment after agreeing to a plan, like telling you he can come to your cousin’s wedding and then acting weird.

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