
10 Facts About Knockin' Boots You Didn't Realize Until You Actually Did It.

1. Eye protection is important!

2. You will need to pause for a pee break, and that's okay.

3. A large height difference can make some positions challenging.


4. $ex doesn't help warm you up as much as it makes you sweaty and cold.

5. Everybody farts. Even girls fart — especially when contorting themselves into weird positions. 

6. You and your partner almost never climax at the same time.

7. Leg cramps will happen from time to time. Stay hydrated!

8. Car $ex sounds like a great time, but it's cramped and uncomfortable.

9. Don't eat a lot before sex. Eat afterwards. Can't stress that enough.

10. Rolling a condom on with your mouth sounds sexy, but it tastes like lube and latex. 

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