
10 Things Some Women Do To Drive Men Nuts !

#1 Lies to you

Perhaps this is the hardest thing to get over from girl. You suddenly get a break up.

#2 Escaper of blame

There is a great skill of a woman: whether it was her fault or yours, it will always be your fault.

#3 Financial loss

Let's face it, it cost money to date. Going to the movies and out to dinner isn't free.

#4 The jealous type

How dare she?

#5 Facebook troubles

“Who is she?” “Where did you know her?” “Do you message a lot with her?” “Does she have boyfriend already?”

#6 "Friends"

This is the most hurtful thing to tell a guy who still cares for you.

#7 Mood swings

You really do nothing wrong, but if she has the mood to fight or she has bad mood, she can find every possible reason to fight with you.

#8 The protector

Once you are spotted to be with another girl, she will do her ‘task’ to protect you.

#9 When you ask ‘What did I do wrong?’

Be careful of the possibilities of getting accused for more than things you actually did.

#10 Tracks your every move

Why does she do this?

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