
Orgy Etiquette For Adventurous Couples

Other considerations

Don't hog the best-looking person in the room, that's a rookie mistake. There might be people you're not attracted to, so feel free to politely decline advances if you feel uncomfortable. Nonetheless, sometimes it's good to be open-minded and interact with someone you're not initially attracted to, as you could end up having fun together!

Make everyone feel comfortable

Ideally, the room should be decorated with pillows and blankets in darker colors, as it will look more inviting. Also, make sure to have plenty of condoms available, including flavored condoms for oral sex. If you're providing toys or lube, make sure they are visible and within reach. Make sure that everybody is OK with filming if you wanna record your session.

Being a good host

First of all, you should make your guests feel as comfortable as possible. There should be a designated "romp room", which is the place where all the guests will get together.


As a guest, try to respond as soon as possible to the invitation and be there on time for the orgy so that you don't miss the foreplay. When you get there, just go in without knocking or ringing the doorbell, as your partners might already have started and you could be interrupting. Don't bring uninvited guests and dress sexy and groom yourself very well.

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