
Pregnancy Problems.

#1 Pregnancy's Third Phase

AND you wonder why she's so grumpy during the third trimester of pregnancy? Don't EVEN ask..

#2 Why 'Again'?

While pregnant and especially after labor you think, "NEVER again"! Then a few years later, what are you thinking? Cute babies. . . Can't win.

#3 It's A Fairytale..

And the whole time while pregnant you feel it's a fantasy. The thing is you don't quite wake-up until your kid grads high school.

#4 Doesn't Seem Real, Until..

NOTHING feels like being pregnant until you body become "alien-like", or like you're carrying an Alien.

#5 Your Body Grows

That moment in the beginning of the second trimester when you realize you need to buy maternity clothes. . . Good-bye skinny jeans, good-bye bra. Sad.

#6 Your 'Due Date'

Some babies simply don't want to come out, but how can you blame them? What's an "eviction"? C-section..

#7 Mid-Husbands

Husbands are often with wives while delivering babys, but sometimes on the sidelines. WAY on the sidelines and there are reasons why. Poor dads..

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