
Those are NOT Pants (10 Epic Fails)

#1 One Direction Pants

Even One Direction needs to learn the difference!#9 NEWS!!!

This fact is news to many women and girls and some men (the ones with bad taste). The first step to rehabilitation is admitting you have a problem. If you wear tights or leggings like they're pants, YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!

#2 So Many "NOT PANTS"

Planes, boats, empty beer cans, gallons of water, unreliable WIFI signals, leggings, tights––these items are all NOT pants. SOME people would have you think otherwise. #gardenhoes

#3 Silver Lining?

Could there be a silver lining to this awful trend? Yes. But only in this sexy picture. She's wearing panty hose like they're pants––taking it to a whole other level. Hmm...but yeah...these still aren't pants and we really hope we never see your average gal sporting this look. #nopantsfriday #itsathingnow

#4 The Horror!!

We can't let the children catch sight of such ungodliness! God LOVES pants and these are definitely not those. #sadface

#5 Tagging Pants

These can NOT be considered pants. These are probably spray paint leggings––which would make them taggings, which is ILLEGAL. We here do NOT support illegal activity!

#6 One Direction Pants

Even One Direction needs to learn the difference!

#7 Complete Pant Fail

Ladies and gentlemen of the internet jury, we ask you: are these pants?

#8 Friends Forever

BFF's rely on the poor fashion choices of others. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Who knows? We can only be certain of one thing: these things are definitely not pants.

#9 Synonyms

Ain't trousers neither.

#10 Cellu-Pants

Generally speaking, if you can see your cellulite you are not wearing pants.

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