
Touch Your Pinky To Your Thumb. Here's What It Means If Your Tendon Raises Up

#1 The Palmaris Longus

The Palmaris Longus, the muscle your just saw (or didn't see), is a completely useless muscle. It has no purpose. Humans started to lose it after they evolved further, and only 10-15% of people have it today! Check out and see if you are one of them

#2 The Theory Of Evolution

The theory of evolution is something accepted by the majority of people. But for those who are skeptical, there are many ways you can prove to your friends that it actually exists. Evolution is an ongoing process, in fact, you are experiencing it right now, just at a very slow scale.

#3 Do You Have This?

Do you see your tendon pop out when you do this? If you do, you're actually less evolved than people who don't. The explanation for this is very interesting.

#4 Pull Your Fingers

Next, pull your fingers together, and raise them up. Slowly pull your pinched together fingers towards your wrist...

#5 How You Can Tell If You Are Evolved

An easy way to see evolution on your own body is to take your hand, point the palm up, and extend the fingers. The next step will amaze you.

#6 Just Look Around

Evolution is all around you. Look at the huge variety of animal, plant, and insect life around you. After millions of years, life has evolved into many different types of organisms. One easy way to see the huge variation in organisms is to look at the eye. It's the same basic structure, but it has evolved differently in different creatures, due to their specific needs and demands.

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